For definitions of Sephardim, see (originally posted at, now available on only).

Overview of Spanish History

Before Islam

Obadiah 20: reference to “exiles from Jerusalem in Sepharad—a reference to Jews in Spain?

300’s – Archaeological and literary references including Council of Elvira

400’s 409-Barbarian invasions begin, ultimately Visigoths conquer all of Spain

587 Reccared becomes Roman Catholic

711 Islamic Conquest

Early Islamic Period

For the Islamic Period:

Note that “Muslim Occupation” is a rather political approach to this topic.

711 Tariq conquers Spain

755 Umayyads Abd al-Rahman I

929 Abd al-Rahman III proclaims himself Caliph in Cordoba builds new city, al-madina al-Zahira (Madinat al-Zahra) Tourist site history site for Cordoba

Al-Hakam 891-976—after his death the disintegration of the “Caliphate” speeds up (final period was a time of anarchy for 23 years from the end of the rule of Ibn Abi Amir in 1008 who ruled in the name of Hisham, grandson of Abd al-Rahman III. )

1013 Caliphate ends with the fall of Cordoba; period of “Party Kings” (Reyes de las Taifas)

1085 Reconquista reaches Toledo; Almoravides conquer Islamic Spain

1140s Almohades conquer Islamic Spain


The first half of the 13th century saw the Muslims pushed into a small portion of Southern Spain. Nevertheless, the Nasrid kingdom achieved a high level of culture in Granada.

1212 Navas de las Tolosa

1232 Muhammad b. Nasr rules in Granada

1238 Jaime (James) I of Aragon conquers Valencia

1248 Ferdinand III of Castille conquers Seville


Ferdinand and Isabella, Most Catholic Monarchs

1469 Marriage of royal cousins, Ferdinand of Aragon (1452-1516) and Isabella of Castile (1451-1504)

1478 Papal Bull authorizes royal Inquisition in Castille

1481 Tómas de Torquemada appointed

The marriage in 1469 of royal cousins, Ferdinand of Aragon (1452-1516) and Isabella of Castile (1451-1504),

1486-1492: 25 auto-da-fes were held in Toledo alone, more than 13,000 Conversos tried from 1480-1492.

(464 auto-da-fes targeting Jews between 1481 and 1826) (Wikipedia)

1492 End of Kingdom of Granada, Boabdil leaves Granada—end of Muslim rule in Spain

1492 Edict of Expulsion: Jews leave, move to Portugal or convert

1497 forced conversion of Jews of Portugal